About Puchies
Our Mission
Puchies are daily affirmations for the soul that are designed to uplift, inspire and put a smile on your face.
Puchies are made with your comfort and soul in mind! We not only use the best materials, but with every pair of Puchies you purchase, we give back to the community by partnering with a non-profit organization on an annual basis and designating a portion of sales for that non-profit.
Our unique feather logo is a reminder that anything we dream can take flight, we just need to believe. All it takes is one step in the right direction.
Puchies - tickling your soul!
About the Puchies’ Name
Puchies was inspired from the Latin slang term that my father called my stinky feet when I was a child. He would say, “Bring your "Puchies" over here!”, but it was always with so much love. This term really stuck with me as I was developing my business and choosing a company name. My father passed away almost a year ago, and after his passing I kept seeing feathers everywhere. One day I was sitting in my car in the middle of LA ready to go into a concept meeting and I sat in my car and prayed and said out loud, “Please just give me a sign that I'm headed in the right direction". I got out of my car and went to my trunk to get samples and a white feather floated right on top of my trunk. In that moment I looked up the meaning for feathers and it said, “Feathers appear when Angels are near, they are a guide and a blessing”. I then took that feather and cried for a minute before entering the meeting. It was clear to me that my father was with me and I was on the right path. I knew I had to incorporate the feather somehow, and hence the logo was born.
About our Founder Claudia
Puchies Founder and CEO, Claudia Guardado, is a multi-preneur. After 17 years as a high-level corporate executive, she knew in her heart that it was time for a new venture. Claudia has owned and/or been a partner in several successful businesses, and is currently following her heart in bringing forward Puchies. She also has a huge heart for philanthropic causes, and has created the Puchies’ Take Flight Fund (more info coming soon!). Puchies was created to remind all of the many seasons in life we experience. Remember what is in your heart and know we are meant to do great things. People often ask, "Why Socks?" and she always answers, "Why Not?". Claudia's creativity came out exactly as it was meant to.